spinning clothing the industry is one of the industry of Korean importance, the spinning clothing industry attains 8% to citizen the contribution done by total property, in recent years because domestic product's sale price compares with the technique level that it contains to widespreadly want high the structure forming the development of high cost, low efficiency seriously threatenned the development of Korean textile industry, Korean government moves for promoting industrial upgrading, actively providing funds subsidy to the business enterprise, praising labor force intensive type industry outside.Vietnam and Nicaragua all becomes Korea to spin and weave the district that the clothing industry transfers, Korea spins and weaves clothing industry to transfer on the other hand labor force of considering the region on the other hand consideration luck camp market.
spinning clothing the industry is one of the industry of Korean importance.The spinning clothing industry in Korea takes up 8% of citizen's total production value and is engaged in the number of textile industry to have 19% that the industrial employee amounts in 2000;Korean cotton Fang industry passes structure adjustment in 2002 and reduced thin yarn machine possession 200,000, make quality and species of the product of cotton Fang significant to promote.Korean ready-to-wear clothes mainly exports the region as the West, Japan and China and exports increment to China in recent years.
according to statistic from United Nations data suggests, Korean textile product export value is USD 15,300,000,000 in 2001, the market share is 4.4%, occupy the fifth in the world;the total amount of ready-to-wear clothes exports is USD 3,852,000,000, increase to USD 6,600,000,000 in 2003 in 2002;2004 the exit total amount of the fiber product is USD 15,200,000,000, among them the exit amount of money of Fang machine equipments is USD 1,113,000,000, compare 2003 of exit sum USD 926,000,000 increased 20.2%.Is Korean textile industry year trade surplus is generally about USD 10,000,000,000, spinning and needle trade export value have manufacturing industry export to total 11.3%, and among them, the needle trade has 3.4%.
in recent years, Korea spins and weaves a clothing product to continuously descend in the share of market in the world, the direct reason is domestic product's sale price to compare with the technique level that he/she contains to widespreadly have to be high, but result in the root reason of this kind of not reasonable price system's lying in its local"tall cost, low efficiency" structure.The exit product of Korea mainly is depend on "oem method"(entrust to process or abroad settle card mode of production) production of medium low price the common product of, result in from here at the tip of technique, and design...etc. from is flourishing national, not ability vivid cope with foreign trade conditional variety;The product lacks specialized and special, the whole technique level is 80% that attain a flourishing nation, particularly is a new material, dyeing to process etc. core technique the level is lowly.Because the flourishing nation concentrates on developing a high technique and Gao additional value product, and the developing country makes use of the cheap labor force extension product export, the spinning industry of Korea is challenged by severity.In addition, China and Southeast Asia nation just and courageously rises to keep making track for and also becomes a factor that threatens Korean textile industry.
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